Friends of Milton Ernest

Working Together, Aiming High, Shining Brightly
Let your light shine before others - Matthew 5:16


PTA – Friends of Milton Ernest Primary School

The Friends of Milton Ernest Primary School was set up in 2000 with the aim
of raising funds for the school and to establish links between the school and
the wider community. We are a group of friendly parents and ‘friends’ of the
school who volunteer their time regularly throughout the school year.

Over the years the money raised has paid for a number of things that benefit
the students. Each year we are committed to raising money for transport for
whole school trips such as the Christmas pantomime bus, the year 6 leavers
jumpers and specific items on the school wish list.

Supporting the Friends is not only rewarding and fun but also a great way to
meet other parents and carers. Whether you’d like to help with our events or if
you have a great fundraising idea we’d love to hear from you - anyone is
welcome to join us.

Look out for notifications for the date of our next meeting.

If you would like further information please contact
or find us on Facebook @Friends of Milton Ernest Primary School 


Who we are