Our Church and Christian Values
Dear Parents and Carers
The Church leads regular collective worship which encourages not just an understanding of Christianity but also reflects the Christian Values that sit at the heart of both our faith and that of the school. I feel that it is important that the children appreciate the wonders of our Church so we regularly hold assemblies in the Church itself and where possible other relevant activities. Parents and Carers are most welcome to come and join us for these assemblies which are published on the school website.
Whilst the Church has a close relationship with the school we encourage an understanding of all faiths are fully inclusive of all religions
I look forward to welcoming you at some point to All Saints.
What does being a Church school mean?
We are a Church of England Voluntary Controlled school. This means that the Church exercises an influence on the school – owning some of the buildings and being represented on the Governing Body. However, the financial costs involved in running and maintaining the school are paid by the Local Authority. We adhere to the RE Agreed Syllabus for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton, 2024 -2029 and uphold the requirements of the 1989 Education Act by which Religious Education is broadly Christian whilst acknowledging that we live in a multi-faith and multi-cultural society.
Milton Ernest Primary School aims to provide an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. We maintain very close links with All Saints Church, and diocese and seek to serve our community by delivering a curriculum that supports Christian values and helps children to develop their own spirituality and curiosity, irrespective of individual beliefs.
We believe that a Church school should be distinctive and inclusive and we aim to foster a sense of belonging to a school family for all our pupils and staff.
Our school Vision is 'Working Together, Aiming High, Shining Brightly' 'Let your light shine before others' Matthew 5:16 and this is rooted in the heart of all we do. As a church school, we believe our role is to educate the whole child and the spiritual growth of our children is just as important as their academic achievement. Our Christian Values underpin our curriculum and we embrace spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Collective Worship At Milton Ernest CofE Primary School
As a school there are daily opportunities for Collective Worship where our Values are reflected upon and celebrated. As well as our daily acts of worship there are regular opportunities to worship come together and worship at All Saints Church. The whole school community are very welcome to come and join us at these whole school special services.
All parents are invited to attend our collective worship every Wednesday at All Saints Church at 9 am.
Our Values:
Autumn 1st half - friendship
Autumn 2nd half - Respect
Spring 1st half - Perseverance
Spring 2nd half - Courage
Summer 1st half - Justice
Summer 2nd half - Trust
Church School Report
Every 5 years, we undergo a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)
Please read our report form 2016.