Welcome to Willow Class
Working Together, Aiming High, Shining Brightly
Let your light shine before others - Matthew 5:16
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which focuses on seven areas of learning and development: Personal, Social and Emotional, Communication and Language, Physical, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
In Willow Class, much of the children’s learning is through play. They are encouraged to explore the open-ended resources in the environment, developing their interests, imagination and independence. Throughout the week, children also take part in small group teacher directed activities to consolidate or extend their knowledge.
Our topic this term is:
Ready, Steady, Grow
We will begin by reading 'Oliver's Milkshake' by Vivian French. We will discuss where milk comes from and how it is good for our teeth and bones.
By reading books from the Funny Bones series, we will discuss what our skeleton looks like and naming the common bones in our body. We will be learning about healthy food choices and the effects of exercise on our bodies.
We will be learning the importance of good hygiene and how to clean our teeth properly.
Our value this term is courage. We will think about how we can be brave to try new things and encourage our friends by using Daniel in the Lion's Den as our inspiration.
Our Forest School activities will continue on a Thursday afternoon. We will begin to think how we can make an impact on our environment, including planting and caring for the flowers and insects in Spring.
Through quiet prayer times and candle time we will have opportunities to reflect on our own thoughts, feelings and progress. We will be able to reflect on events happening in our own community and in the wider world. We will begin to think how we can make an impact on our environment, including planting and caring for the flowers and insects in Summer.
This term our PE Session will be on a Monday morning. Our P.E. skills will include using a range of equipment with control, including throwing, catching, kicking and striking a ball. This will also be the first term that our Reception children will have the opportunity for weekly swimming lessons. We are hoping that this will be a positive learning experience for the children to continue to develop their water confidence and early swimming skills.
Please can children have PE kits in school for this day.
Through our Read Write Inc phonic scheme, we will be reinforcing Set 1 sounds and learning set 2 sounds. You can practise at home with Early years Learning is Fun
Reading books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday. Please try to read with your child as often as possible. Please keep your child’s reading book and diary in their book bag and sign it each time you hear your child read.
Library books - We will be visiting the Library Bus (Bedford Borough) on a Thursday afternoon (every 4 weeks)
Please log in to your child’s Tapestry account to see what we have been doing each week
Here are some helpful web links to use at home: