

Working Together, Aiming High, Shining Brightly
Let your light shine before others - Matthew 5:16


  Year 1 and 2 are taught by Mr Dowe and Miss Lucas. 

This term, our topic is Toys from the past



The children will be learning about how toys were different in the past. They will be creating physical time lines using real artefacts. They will then use these to pose questions and discuss similarities and differences between toys from today and toys from the past. Following on from this, the children will place teddy bears in chronological order and then discuss how they have changed. They will then create questions to ask an old teddy bear and then use these during a hot seating activity. To finish, the children will explore what toys might be like in the future.

To find out about what the children will be learning in their other subjects and to see more detailed information about their topic, please click on the curriculum update below.

Spellings will be sent home at the beginning of each half term. Tests are on a Friday.

Number facts will be sent home every Thursday for a test the following Thursday.

Please read with your child as often as possible. Books will be changed on a Monday and Friday. Example questions to ask your child can be found in their reading record books.

The children will visit the library bus fortnightly on a Thursday to choose a book. The children will use their library card for this. Please make sure the children have the book in their book bag ready to change.

Children can practise their number facts using  Numbots. All login details are provided on their reading record book. They can also use TT Rockstars to work on their times tables. All log in details are in their reading record book.

If you would like some support teaching the Read Write Inc sounds, please use the links below to access videos for each set of sounds. Year 1 and 2 children will be focusing on the sounds in set 2 and 3. In June, the year 1 children will also take a phonic screening check. Please see the link below for more information on this along with videos demonstrating how to support them with the check. We hold a Read Write Inc evening for parents every Autumn.


RWI set 1 sounds

RWI set 2 sounds

RWI set 3 sounds

Phonic screening check 



Log in to your child's Seesaw account here to see what they have been doing. 



Other useful documents:



Curriculum Update

Transfer Evening Presentation

Curriculum Long Term Plans

 Maths Long Term Plan

English Long Term Plan