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- Read, Write Information Evening
- West Stowe Anglo Saxon Trip - Year 3 and 4
- Multisports - Year 3&4 at Sharnbrook Academy
- Half Term
- Last day of Term
- Training Day
- Start of Summer Term
- Half Term
- Last day of Term
- Parents Evening - early appointments
- Remembrance Service at the War Memorial, All Saints Church
- Children in Need, Mufti Day
- Stibbington Victorian Day Trip - Year 1 and 2
- Christmas Play - Reception to Year 4
- Christmas Play Evening Performance - Reception to Year 4
- Christmas Play Afternoon Performance, Reception to Year 4
- Panto Trip - Whole School
- Save the Children Jumper Day
- Science Day - Whole School
- Christmas Party - Whole School
- End of Term Assembly
- Christmas Carols in the playground
- New Term starts
- Start of Spring Term
- Gym Competition, Lincroft Academy
- Half Term
- Multi Sports at Lincroft Academy, Year 3 and 4
- Caythorpe Residential Trip - Year 6
- Sports Festival, Sharnbrook Academy - Year 1 & 2
- Easter Assembly
- Kingswood Residential Trip - Year 4
- Easter Holidays
- Summer Term starts
- Sports Festival, Harrold Primary School - Year 3&4
- Whole School Photo
- SATS Week - Year 6
- Federation Day
- Multisports at Sharnbrook Academy, Year 5&6
- Quad Kids Athletics, Bedford Athletic Stadium - Year 5&6
- Multisports at Riseley Primary School - Year 1 and 2
- New Reception Children visiting
- New Reception Children Visiting
- Transfer Day
- Transfer Day
- Sports Day
- Leavers Assembly
- Last day of Summer Term
- District Cross Country - Year 6
- Caythorpe Meeting Year 6
- Whole School Art Week
- Swimming starts for 6 Weeks - Year 3,4 & 5
- Parents Evening - Early
- Rockingham Castle Trip - Year 1 & 2
- Parents Evening - Late
- Kingswood Meeting - Year 4
- Airbus Trip - Year 5 & 6
- World Book Day
- Easter Assembly
- Bikeability - Year 4
- Bikeability - Year 6
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- CHUMS Mufti
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Working Together, Aiming High, Shining Brightly
Let your light shine before others - Matthew 5:16
Chestnut Class is our Year 3 and 4 children
This term our topic is
Romans and
This term in Literacy we will cover our writing skills through three texts. Firstly, we will be looking at a non-fiction based text of using instructions called My Strong Mind. We will then be using a book called The Incredible Book Eating Boy which we will use to write a piece of narrative. We will also be doing some poetry based on a poem called Out there in the wild.
Homework is given out on a Monday and is to be handed in on the following Monday.
Timetable Rockstars
The children have been introduced to the Timetable Rockstars and have their own log in. Please encourage your child to play 5 minutes a day on the garage game.
Please continue to practise times table and division facts up to 12, the expectation is that the children are fluent with these at the end of year four.
Children are expected to read daily.
The documents below give parents information about the curriculum, timetable and homework
Information for Year 4 Parents regarding the Multiplication Tables Check