

The Governing Body of the Federation of Eileen Wade and Milton Ernest c of E Primary Schools meets regularly throughout the school year. The Full Governing Body meets five times during the academic year. There is one main sub-committee that meets at least termly and are responsible for:

a) Resources - (Finance, Health and Safety, Buildings, Pay and Personnel)


Current membership of our current Governing Body is as follows:


Dr James Bass

Chair of Full Governing Body

Co-opted Governor


Mr Adam Brown

Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair of full Governing Body


Mr Daniel Wiiloughby

Parent Governor


Mrs Lisa Virnuls



Miss Vicky Sykes

Staff Governor


Mrs Lauramay Williams

Parent Governor 


Rev Jes Salt

Foundation Governor


Mrs Cath Hill

Co-opted Governor


Instrument of Governance


Federation of Eileen Wade and Milton Ernest church of England Primary Schools

Register of Interest - Governing Board

Name Date of Appointment Term Type of Governor Appointee Business Interest Other Governing Bodies Personal relation with Staff/Pupils - Yes/No

Attendance at FGB


James Bass 06/06/2023 4 years Co-Opted Governing Board None None Yes- Spouse employed at EW and Father to 2 children at Eileen Wade Primary School 5/5
Daniel Willoughby 13/11/2023  4 Years Parent  Parents at Eileen Wade Primary School    None Yes- Father to a child at Eileen Wade Primary School  4/5
Adam Brown  15/07/2020  4 Years  Co-opted  Governing Board  None  None  Yes - Father of 1 children at Eileen Wade Primary School 4/5
Lisa Virnuls 04/09/2015  Open  Headteacher Governing Board  None  None  Yes - Headteacher at both Eileen Wade and Milton Ernest Primary Schools.   5/5 
Vicky Sykes 17/09/2023 4 years  Staff  Staff  None  None  Yes- Staff at Eileen Wade Primary School  5/5 
Lauramay Williams  25/05/2022  4 Years  Parent  Parents at Milton Ernest Primary School  None  None  Yes - Mother of 1 child at Milton Ernest Primary School  5/5

 Rev Jes Salt


 07/12/2023  Open  Foundation Governor  Diocese of St Albans       3/5

Cath Hill


 04/10/2022  4 Years  Co-opted         3 /5