

This term Cedar Class will be learning about WW2 and it's impact on people in Britain. We will explore the causes of WW2, the Battle of Britain, The Blitz as well as evacuation and women in the war. We will also create clay sculptures of soldiers at war as part of remembrance and make bags using textiles following the theme of 'Make do and mend'. In English we will be writing recounts based on 'Letters from a lighthouse' (war themed) and then we will move onto writing narrative in the first person based on 'The Christmas Truce' story. Our class book will be Goodnight Mister Tom.








Click for Year 5 Expectations

Click for Year 6 Expectations



Useful Information


 P.E with Rushden and Diamonds






P.E, homework due in and handed out


Please note: 

Reading is a very important part of Cedar Class. Please encourage your child to read every night for at least 20 minutes and to sign their reading record saying what they have read. For every 3 reads where their diary is signed, children's names will be entered into the class reading record where they have the chance to earn stars which go towards a reward. 

Reading to your child.

It is extremely beneficial to continue to read to your child at this age. They will gain pleasure from listening to you and it may motivate them to continue reading a book if they have heard the first parts from you. 


Curriculum long term plans