Up & coming events

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Mothers Day Shop
13:00:00 - 15:00:00
West Lodge Farm Visit
Acorn & Sycamore Class
All Day
Easter Assembly
Time to be confirmed
Easter Bonnet Competition
Winning prize for each year group
Last Day of Term
All Day
  The children and staff would like to say a big thank you to Professor Brighton and Dr. Blackburn. They visited our school with a real life remote control car. They explained to the children that Nissan and Sony asked them to make a real life game based on a computer game. Click here  to see the car in action.     
Lisa Virnuls
Head Teacher
  Thank you to everyone who entered our pumpkin competition 2020. we had a fantastic amount of pumpkins entered for the competition from all year groups.                     The judges found it extremely difficult task but eventually they agreed and the winners were picked.      
Lisa Virnuls
Head Teacher
Years 5 & 6 The children learned about how to stay safe online, particularly looking at Social Media. They worked in groups to create a product to help children stay safe whilst using the internet which they then had to 'pitch' to the class, Dragon's Den style. They needed to look at the problems facing children today and try to come up with a solution. The other children grilled them thoroughly b...
Lisa Virnuls
Head Teacher
Macmillan Coffee Morning   The school council would like to thank everyone who attended our coffee morning in aid of Macmillan cancer support,  we raised £100.00.  Well done.
Lisa Virnuls
Head Teacher
Latest News
A big thank you.  This year we raised £150.30 for Comic Relief.  
Lisa Virnuls
Head Teacher
School Council raised £53.85 from the book sale on World Book Day.  School Council are raising money for a Friendship Bench to go in the playground.
Lisa Virnuls
Head Teacher